sábado, junio 16, 2007

Salmo 27

El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación,
¿a quién temeré?
El Señor es la defensa de mi vida,
¿quién me hará temblar?
Si un ejército acampa contra mí,
mi corazón no tiembla;
si me declaran la guerra,me siento tranquilo.
Una cosa pido al Señor,
eso buscaré:
habitar en la casa del Señor
por los días de mi vida;
gozar de la dulzura del Señor,
contemplando su templo.
Él me protegerá en su tienda
el día del peligro,
me esconderá en lo escondido de su morada,
me alzará sobre la roca.(del salmo 27)

Diez años de Radiohead

Ten years of OK Computer and what have we got?
On the one hand, Radiohead's 1997 album brought themes of technology's effect on the human psyche back into music. On the other hand, Coldplay.
Tomorrow marks the 10th anniversary of the UK release of Radiohead's OK Computer, an album which has arguably influenced and affected rock music more than any other album of the 90s. Ten years on, it is time to reexamine the album's merits and faults and consider its legacy.

viernes, junio 15, 2007

If you had a vineyard

05. If You Had A Vineyard {O’Connor}

If U had a vineyard
On a fruitful hill
And U fenced it and cleared it
Of all stones until
U planted it
With the choicest of vine
And U even built a tower
And a press to make wine
And U looked that it would bring forth sweet grapes
And it gave only wild grapes
What would U say?
Jerusalem and Judah
U be the judges
I pray
Between me and my vineyard
This is what God says
What more could I have done in it
That I did not do in it?
Why when I ask it for sweetness
It brings only bitterness
For the vineyard of the Lord of Hosts
Is the house of Israel
And the men of Judah
His pleasant plant
And he looks for justice but beholds oppression
And he hopes for equality but hears a cry
Jerusalem and Judah
This is God's reply
Sadness will come to those who build house to house
And lay field to field 'til there's room
For none but U to dwell in the land
Oh in the land
And sadness will come to those who call evil good
And good evil
Who present darkness as light and light as darkness
Who present as sweetness only the things which arebitterness
For the vineyard of The Lord of Hosts
Is the house of Israel
And the men of Judah his pleasant plant
Oh that my eyes were a fountain of tears
That I might weep for my poor people
For every boot stamped with fierceness
For every cloak rolled in blood
Jerusalem and Judah
I'd cry if I could

El profeta Isaías y Sinead

"This is a protest song I guess, but it's more of an anti war song. I have always been fascinated with how the books of the prophets relate to things nowadays even though they were written hundreds or thousands of years ago. I read Isaiah and took the lines from it that I liked and adapted them so they rhymed. My desire was not to use anything that perpetuated the myth of a God character being angry and aggressive. I suppose I observe a lot of violence done in the name of theologies of various religions, but when you study the actual texts of those religions you find that they don't back up anyone who might use them to justify war or violence or anything really which is unloving of people."

Sinnead y su disco de salmos

Sinead O´Connor: de romper una foto del Papa
al CD «Theology», con salmos de la Biblia

LONDRES, 29/05/2007 (Reuters/ACPress.net) Sinead O´Connor, que una vez rompió una foto del papa Juan Pablo II en un programa de televisión, ha grabado un disco ("Theology") de canciones inspiradas en los salmos de la Biblia. Theology, es un disco doble con 2 subtítulos: Dublin Sessions y London Sessions. Incluye ocho canciones originales compuestas por ella, que fue grabado en dos sesiones una en Dublín y otra en Londres de ahí los títulos: Dublin Sessions y London Sessions.

jueves, junio 14, 2007

Sao Paulo, capital gay

La ciudad brasileña de São Paulo ha vuelto a vivir este domingo el mayor acontecimiento homosexual del mundo con el desfile multicolor de millones de personas, quienes maquillados y disfrazados pidieron reivindicaciones para ese grupo poblacional. La organización del encuentro ha indicado que unos 3,4 millones de personas han participado en la fiesta callejera, que el año pasado reunió 2,6 millones de participantes cuando estableció un nuevo Guinnes Récord.


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